Once the product is installed, the following registry key is created.
- HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Products\0CBC24CEC944140453282975376B5482
ProductIcon - C:\WINDOWS\Installer\{EC42CBC0-449C-4041-3582-925773B64528}\ARPPRODUCTICON.exe
- The Custom ARP icon is stored in the form of ARPPRODUCTION.exe under C:\WINDOWS\Installer\<ProductGUID>. This is just a few kb file which has the Custom icon set for it. Please note that C:\WINDOWS\Installer is a hidden folder.
- Now you will wonder where does the key - 0CBC24CEC944140453282975376B5482 comes from. Being the developer you can easily conclude that this code is neither a Product Code nor a Package Code nor an Upgrade Code. There is a small trick involved in forming this code from Product Code and here is the steps to arrive the same
- Remove the curly braces and write the Product Code
EC42CBC0-449C-4041-3582-925773B64528 - Reverse each piece of the Product Code
0CBC24CE-C944-1404-5328-2975376B5482 - Remove the spaces and -'s between the above code and you will get
0CBC24CEC944140453282975376B5482This is used under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Products.
nice idea!