December 4, 2009

InstallShield Tips

This article has some tips for InstallShield users
Splash Screen Display
For a basic msi project, the splash screen will be displayed only when you create a Setup.exe and not the compressed (or single) msi.

Setup pre-requisites
For a basic msi project, the Setup pre-requisites can be bundled only when you create a Setup.exe and not the compressed (or single) msi.

Abort & Rollback
For Rollback to happen, the abort must happen between the InstallInitialize and InstallFinalize actions, and must be a deferred action.

Hide ARP Entry
Set ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT=1 in Property Manager.
[Note: Verified this with Basic MSI Project created using InstallShield 2009 (SP2).]

InstallShield project file format
InstallShield supports binary as well as xml format for storing InstallShield project files. The default is binary however the xml format is best for the speed of opening and saving the project file. It also allows you to manipulate the project file using the Windows Installer API. The XML format is best for use with source control systems. It allows you to manipulate the project file using XML Utilities.

Windows 2008 Support
Windows 2008 Server is support only from InstallShield 2009 onwards.
Note: InstallShield 2009 help says that Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 have the same major and minor version numbers. Therefore, the installation considers Windows Server 2008 to be the same as Windows Vista; thus, components that are marked for Windows Vista are also installed on Windows Server 2008.

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